I’m not here.

An introspective exploration of absence, the state of mind characterized by a sense of not being fully present in the moment, resonates deeply within younger generations. This project emerged from a transformative ten-day road trip along the scenic south coast of Morocco.

During this journey, the pervasive theme of absence served as a focal point for artistic reflection. Capturing moments where individuals grapple with disconnection and distraction, the project delves into the nuanced emotional landscapes that define modern youth. Through evocative imagery and poignant narratives, it seeks to illuminate the subtle interplay between physical surroundings and internal states of mind.

Against the backdrop of Morocco's rugged landscapes and vibrant culture, each photograph becomes a visual testament to the quest for presence amidst fleeting distractions. The road trip itself serves as a metaphorical journey, mirroring the introspective process of navigating through moments of absence toward a deeper understanding of personal presence and connection.

Through this exploration, the project aims to provoke contemplation on the impact of digital age distractions, societal pressures, and the search for authenticity in an increasingly fragmented world. It invites viewers to reflect on their own experiences of absence and presence, offering a narrative that resonates universally across generational boundaries.